Tagged with business


If Scotland votes for independence, then what?

308 views September 02, 2014

In just over two weeks, Scotland could have voted for independence from the UK. Latest polls...


Jakobsen: Why France needs a Thatcher moment

269 views September 01, 2014

France is its own worst enemy; that's according to Saxo Bank's Chief Investment Office, Steen...


Jakobsen: Why now's the time to short the dollar

1,099 views August 28, 2014

The dollar's peaked and now's the time to short it; that's according to Saxo Bank's Chief...


Trading copper's comeback and gold's nervous moves

356 views August 22, 2014

For how long can industrial metals outperform the rest of the commodity index? Aluminium, copper...


For how long will oil's bounce last?

275 views August 20, 2014

Crude oil is bouncing back this Wednesday after Brent reached a fourteen month low yesterday and...


What's moving after the US housing surprise

229 views August 19, 2014

US equities, notably those related to the housing market, are surging after housing starts in the...


Can the Dax hold its gains after Putin's...

309 views August 14, 2014

The Dax is unlikely to hold on to all's its intraday gains following comments by the Russian...


German 10yr yield falls below 1% on a dire day...

270 views August 14, 2014

On a dire day for Europe's economies, yields on the German ten-bund fell below 1% for the first...


Coleman: Why I'm selling into USDJPY rallies

199 views August 14, 2014

First 4 Trading's Ian Coleman is looking to sell into rallies of USDJPY this Thursday. For the...


Why it's curtains for growth in Japan

194 views August 12, 2014

Growth in Japan is about to take an almighty tumble. GDP is expected to have shrunk by more than...


Is Costco's stock going cheap too?

385 views August 11, 2014

Costco shares have had a turbulent year. Listed on the Nasdaq, they're only up around 4 percent...


Berger: Jumping on the S&P 500's 'oversold bounce'

264 views August 11, 2014

"I'm looking for an over-sold bounce in the S 500 Index"; so says trader, Serge Berger, also...