Tagged with chief


Mind the gap – Essential Trades for Q1 2016

2,415 views January 07, 2016

The markets are in for a big surprise as they do not seem to grasp just how determined the US...


Jakobsen: Global economy being strangled by...

1,612 views November 13, 2015

For the global economy to get back on track, what the world now needs the most is a weaker US...


Alibaba - just how worried should investors be?

516 views September 23, 2015

A year ago the Chinese online retail giant Alibaba launched with the world's largest IPO. Now the...


Beijing pressing 'panic button'? Here's what...

764 views August 12, 2015

Saxo Bank's Head of FX Strategy John Hardy brings us up to date with the global implications of...


Knuthsen: Investment alternatives to Gold and...

813 views August 07, 2015

Oversupply and overvalued. That’s what’s wrong with oil and gold these days, says Saxo Bank’s...


Jakobsen: The Chinese bubble that just won't burst

3,608 views June 30, 2015

Since its peak on June 12th, the Chinese stock market has fallen more than 22%. It closed up on...


Jakobsen: Why I wouldn’t put ALL my money in...

689 views April 07, 2015

Stock markets around the world have soared in the past year with the German Dax for example...


When is it time to panic over Greece?

1,540 views February 17, 2015

Markets have reacted calmly to a breakdown in talks between Greece and its creditors on its debt...


Loong: Markets need to accept low growth as...

388 views October 21, 2014

Pauline Loong, Managing Director of Asia-analytica, gives us her assessment of the latest Chinese...


Hardy: What the markets want from Yellen

289 views February 11, 2014

Janet Yellen, the new Fed Chair, faces the US Congress and Senate this week. Saxo's John Hardy...


Jakobsen: We should all be worried about France

1,095 views December 10, 2013

Industrial output has surprisingly fallen again in France and Steen Jakobsen, Saxo Bank's Chief...


Trade idea: Why I'm buying Aviva

199 views November 22, 2013

The British insurance giant, Aviva, is the focus of Joe Neighbour's trade from Central Markets...