Tagged with chinese retail


Loong: Markets need to accept low growth as...

388 views October 21, 2014

Pauline Loong, Managing Director of Asia-analytica, gives us her assessment of the latest Chinese...


If GDP figures can't be trusted, what's really...

207 views July 16, 2014

China’s latest GDP figures are out and, lo and behold, the one party state’s 7.5% target has been...


If GDP figures can't be trusted, what's really...

126 views July 16, 2014

China’s latest GDP figures are out and, lo and behold, the one party state’s 7.5% target has been...


James Roy: China stimulus within four weeks

186 views April 01, 2014

More mixed signals from China, raising the prospect of the government stepping in with fresh...


Trade idea: Buy Sina on China’s biggest...

154 views November 11, 2013

Beijing-based trader Fredrik Oqvist, Founder of ChinaRAI, is looking to buy social media platform...