Tagged with eurodollar


Lambert: Easing EURUSD lower

416 views March 09, 2015

The euro continues to weaken against the US Dollar, ahead of the European Central Bank’s...


Jakobsen: The ECB's 'backward-looking...

678 views March 06, 2015

How much difference will QE make on the fortunes of the Eurozone? Saxo Bank's Chief Economist,...


Hardy on the euro, the ECB and EURUSD parity

776 views March 05, 2015

Will the there be a pivot and bounce in EURUSD or an acceleration lower this Thursday after a key...


Greece talks - what are the markets saying?

1,088 views February 20, 2015

Talks aimed at ending the stand-off between Greece and Germany could create fresh market...


Coleman: EURUSD falls on collapse of Greek debt...

622 views February 17, 2015

Negotiations between Greece and the Eurozone deteriorated after Greek Finance Minister Yanis...


Greece to go? Steen Jakobsen, Mads Koefoed and...

2,056 views February 06, 2015

Greece and the ECB are like a married couple on the verge of divorce but staying together because...


Get used to choppy trading after the ECB's...

646 views February 05, 2015

EURUSD recovered a little on Thursday after the ECB came out fighting late Wednesday night. The...


Hardy: Why I'm looking for a USD rally

730 views February 02, 2015

Saxo's John Hardy believes the market reacted complacently to last week's FOMC meeting. He says...


Will the ECB do for Europe what the Fed did for...

297 views January 26, 2015

Will the ECB’s QE programme do for Europe, what similar programmes from the Federal Reserve did...


Hardy: Market is underestimating the strength...

863 views January 26, 2015

Despite the uncertainty following the the Greek election, Saxo's John Hardy says the market has...


Jakobsen: Greece lightning strikes Euro

1,283 views January 26, 2015

A big win for the left wing anti austerity party Syriza in Greece raises questions about the...


Oil and Gold react to death of Saudi King and...

961 views January 23, 2015

It's been another big week for the markets as the ECB launched its large QE programme, Saudi...