Tagged with fi


Oil could hit $15, just look at the charts

1,106 views February 02, 2016

crude oil prices fell by more than 5% at one stage this Tuesday. Although it recovered a little...


The 'tantrum' in bunds and what it means for...

753 views May 11, 2015

What does a recent rise in bonds yields mean for FX traders? Nick Beecroft, the Chairman of Saxo...


O'Hare: Targeting all time highs in German bunds

219 views August 29, 2014

German bunds are at all time highs and Steve O'Hare from First4Trading thinks there's more upside...


German 10yr yield falls below 1% on a dire day...

283 views August 14, 2014

On a dire day for Europe's economies, yields on the German ten-bund fell below 1% for the first...


Jakobsen: The market's so complacent, I want to...

4,614 views August 08, 2014

We've largely ignored geo-political risks, ignored a slowdown in European growth, ignored the...