Tagged with lea jakobiak


Why China's credit crunch keeps traders concerned

261 views February 14, 2014

The latest official figures released by the People’s Bank of China (PBOC) show that lending in...


Veksler: Ignore this risk on/ risk off nonsense

249 views February 13, 2014

When it comes to trading forex, it's common to hear the term risk on/ risk off. But Ken Veksler,...


Veksler: What to expect next from Yellen

208 views February 12, 2014

The Federal Reserve’s new chairwoman Janet Yellen may have offered no surprises on her first...


Why Carney's "embarassing" forward guidance...

147 views February 11, 2014

As the Bank of England gears up to release its latest inflation and growth predictions, Saxo’s...


The mounting pressures on Europe's central banks

171 views February 04, 2014

Saxo’s Nick Beecroft says that although the ECB “doesn't tend to move quickly”, there is a...


Don't run scared of emerging markets

246 views February 05, 2014

Emerging markets have been in turmoil ever since the Fed started to taper, so should investors...


Veksler: Emerging market crisis just 'media hype'

259 views February 04, 2014

Crisis, what crisis? That's the message from trader, Ken Veksler, on claims emerging markets are...


Searching for the secrets of Google’s success

251 views January 30, 2014

Google is what Saxo’s Peter Garnry regards as an “amazing” company. He says it’s doing “exactly...


Why things are looking up for US and Spain

551 views January 30, 2014

As investors digest news that the US Federal Reserve will reduce its monthly bond purchases by...


Wheat climbs but cocoa soars

298 views January 29, 2014

Corn is bouncing back from the lows we saw earlier this month and wheat is starting to recover...


Tech stocks: How to get ahead of the game

241 views January 28, 2014

There are three key sectors where investors should be overweight so they can best outsmart the...


The Fed’s credibility test

232 views January 28, 2014

It’s the most anticipated market event of the week - the FOMC meeting - and for Saxo’s Nick...