Tagged with monetary policy


What Chinese data does - and doesn't - tell you

659 views March 13, 2015

You can almost hear the sound of screeching brakes coming all the way from Beijing. The latest...


Veksler on how to trade the 'inevitable' Greek...

922 views March 12, 2015

"I genuinely believe this year is the year Greece leaves the Eurozone", so says trader Ken...


Jakobsen: The ECB's 'backward-looking...

678 views March 06, 2015

How much difference will QE make on the fortunes of the Eurozone? Saxo Bank's Chief Economist,...


Vicky Pryce: 50/50 chance of euro surviving...

537 views February 23, 2015

Greece has been granted some temporary relief from its creditors as it looks set to secure a...


Is this the week when Yellen boosts USD?

610 views February 23, 2015

This week’s big event for currencies will be Fed chief Janet Yellen’s testimonies before the US...


Koefoed: Non Farm Payrolls - proof that US is...

541 views February 06, 2015

January non-farm payrolls suggest 257,000 jobs were added in the US last month. The number was...


Jakobsen: Why I've changed my mind on a US...

1,105 views February 04, 2015

Saxo's Chief Economist, Steen Jakobsen says he's changed his mind on a US rate rise and does now...


Knuthsen: Europe has the potential to surprise...

458 views January 06, 2015

As part of his 2015 strategy, Saxo Private Bank's Chief Investment Officer, Teis Knuthsen, is...


Hardy: Not so Happy New Year for the euro

553 views January 05, 2015

The euro is off to a not so happy start to the New Year, while the dollar is really flexing its...


Fasdal: Right on the money with bonds

399 views December 12, 2014

Last year, Saxo Bank’s Head of Fixed Income Strategy Simon Fasdal presented three bond market...


Morningstar Research: Low oil prices - good or...

607 views December 17, 2014

You would expect low oil prices to be a welcome boost to economies struggling with low growth...


Beecroft: Why I’m sticking to sterling

428 views November 19, 2014

The Bank of England’s Monetary Policy Committee is yet again divided on the risks facing the UK...