Tagged with owen thomas


What the US jobs data really means

380 views October 22, 2013

The US created a further 148 thousand jobs in September, missing estimates. And that, according...


Jakobsen: Germany's inconvenient truth

1,969 views September 04, 2013

Germany's elections later this month have merely suppressed the pressures that are once again...


The great rotation and the great returns

272 views September 03, 2013

Just what's going on in the markets and are we really in the midst of what's known as the "great...


Do you dare trade emerging market currencies?

340 views August 20, 2013

"We could be setting ourselves up for the mother of all counter consensus trades". That's the...


Hardy: Why the Kiwi dollar could be punished

455 views August 16, 2013

Out of all the so-called “commodity currencies”, the Australian dollar has been the biggest...


Growth in Europe: Why now?

390 views August 14, 2013

GDP growth in France, Germany and the Eurozone as a whole has beaten expectations and Europe is...


Growth in Europe: Watch Fiat move

297 views August 14, 2013

Why is Fiat the most undervalued car maker in Europe? According to Saxo Bank's Head of Equity...


Growth in Europe: The towering potential of...

312 views August 13, 2013

French banks are among those most likely to benefit from an economic recovery in Europe. That's...


Why is silver rallying now?

656 views August 13, 2013

Silver has rallied around 11% in the past five days. So why such a dramatic rise now? Saxo...


Europe's improving. No, really

411 views August 12, 2013

Europe is definitely showing signs of economic recovery, according to Mads Koeford, Saxo Bank's...


Hardy: My Aussie Dollar prediction

810 views August 05, 2013

The Aussie Dollar's at three year lows against its US counterpart. It's expected in many quarters...


The fallout from the potash "nuclear bomb"

409 views July 31, 2013

The equivalent of a nuclear bomb's been detonated in the potash industry - that's how Saxo Bank's...