Tagged with russia


The growing concerns around UK banks

217 views October 27, 2014

The ECB's stress tests could certainly have been worse. But for Alan Miller, also known as 'Mr...


Lambert: DAX positioned to reach all-time highs

276 views September 04, 2014

Stand by for more gains on the DAX! So says Clive Lambert from FuturesTechs who's looking at the...


Ukraine 'ceasefire process' opens up new...

348 views September 03, 2014

What’s now being called a “ceasefire process” appears to have has been agreed between Russia and...


Hansen: The cost of conflict in commodities

349 views August 29, 2014

The crisis around Ukraine has affected commodity prices this week. The possible risk to supplies...


Whatever happened to the yen?

285 views August 29, 2014

The Japanese yen has been stagnating. USDJPY has ticked up a little in the past few days, notably...


Emerging markets still look 'best to invest'

251 views August 15, 2014

In which countries are you best to invest? According to research carried out by Morningstar,...


Can the Dax hold its gains after Putin's...

309 views August 14, 2014

The Dax is unlikely to hold on to all's its intraday gains following comments by the Russian...


German 10yr yield falls below 1% on a dire day...

270 views August 14, 2014

On a dire day for Europe's economies, yields on the German ten-bund fell below 1% for the first...


Reasons to stay bullish as German confidence...

397 views August 12, 2014

Investor confidence in Germany has plummeted to its lowest level since 2012. It’s perhaps no...


How to trade the 'exposed' USD

377 views August 11, 2014

The euro has continued to weaken this Monday. We saw a massive amount of dollar buying last week...


Berger: Jumping on the S&P 500's 'oversold bounce'

264 views August 11, 2014

"I'm looking for an over-sold bounce in the S 500 Index"; so says trader, Serge Berger, also...


How to trade oil and gold as geopolitical risks...

409 views August 08, 2014

Increasing geopolitical concerns in Iraq, Russia and Ukraine have been affecting commodity prices...