Tagged with saxo tv


FX Options webinar: Volatility term structure

663 views July 27, 2018

Saxo Bank’s Head of FX Options Dan Juhl-Larsen shares his insights and experience trading FX...

Daily Morning Call

From the Floor: Yellen bows out – #SaxoStrats

686 views January 31, 2018

Another big day in financial markets awaits with Jánet Yellen due to chair her final Fed monetary...


OptionsLab: SPX and RUT Index Option Spread...

715 views August 10, 2017

Options Institute Director of Education, Russell Rhoads, CFA, will discuss how traders of all...


The week ahead in macro — #SaxoStrats

538 views July 17, 2017

Saxo's global macro strategist Kay Van-Petersen examines the big issues over the next few days...

Daily Morning Call

From the Floor: Oil shorts 'feel the pain' —...

988 views March 31, 2017

Oil's rally is beginning to show signs of losing momentum as we close out the week ahead of...


Positioning and tactical outlook — #SaxoStrats

912 views March 27, 2017

Saxo’s global macro strategist Kay Van-Petersen examines potential trading positions during week...


Equities Update webinar: Irrational exuberance...

899 views March 14, 2017

Join Saxo Bank head of equity strategy Peter Garnry as he takes a closer look at the theme of...


Technical analysis: What's next with Trump as...

660 views February 22, 2017

Join Saxo Bank technical analyst Kim Cramer Larsson for a look at the latest developments from a...


Macro Monday week 5: FOMC and NFPs — #SaxoStrats

690 views January 30, 2017

Saxo’s Asia Pacific team discuss this week’s important macro issues in trading and investment


Crude oil settling into tight range — #SaxoStrats

1,172 views December 19, 2016

Liquidity and volume traditionally begin to slow down in December, but Saxo Bank’s head of...


Bank of Japan unlikely to change its tune –...

1,120 views December 19, 2016

The Japanese yen has weakened significantly versus the dollar since November, but BoJ governor...

Daily Morning Call

From the Floor: Trump factor has Fed flailing—...

749 views December 13, 2016

The Federal Reserve enters the final lap for its big meeting tomorrow when it is expected to wave...