Tagged with saxostrats

Daily Morning Call

From the Floor: Trump factor has Fed flailing—...

749 views December 13, 2016

The Federal Reserve enters the final lap for its big meeting tomorrow when it is expected to wave...


FOMC to dominate week agenda — #SaxoStrats

255 views December 12, 2016

The US Federal Reserve is the highlight among a number of central bank meetings in the next few...


Why the oil market is bullish: Hansen

400 views December 12, 2016

Non-Opec producers have decided to join production cuts and this has put the market in bullish...

Daily Morning Call

From the Floor: China sells off as crude surges...

314 views December 12, 2016

Chinese shares posted a dramatic selloff today following a shift in the shift in the forward...


Euro crushed under Draghi’s wheels — #SaxoStrats

748 views December 09, 2016

European Central Bank chief Mario Draghi surprised markets by scaling back the Eurozone’s QE...

Daily Morning Call

From the Floor: Euro wilts as risk appetite...

286 views December 09, 2016

The ECB's Mario Draghi gave markets an early Christmas present by way of a taper that wasn't...

Daily Morning Call

From the Floor: ECB gets ready to apply the...

932 views December 08, 2016

The European Central Bank meets this afternoon in the wake of the Italian referendum and, despite...


#OP2017: Desperate Fed follows BoJ lead to fix...

1,226 views December 06, 2016

Desperate Federal Reserve forced to fix runaway US 10-year Treasuries yields to 1.5% in twist on...


#OP2017: High-yield default rates exceeds 25% —...

1,698 views December 05, 2016

High-yielding bond default rate spirals to 25% from less than an average 4%...

Daily Morning Call

From the Floor: Rome to the rescue? — #SaxoStrats

376 views December 07, 2016

Italian media reporting Rome ready to bail out banks La Stampa says government to request ESM...


FX webinar: USD and the Fed — #SaxoStrats

288 views December 06, 2016

Join head of forex strategy John Hardy as he analyses FX markets in the wake of the US vote and...


#OP2017: Despite Trump, Mexican peso soars...

1,370 views December 02, 2016

“Mexico’s peso may look like the fall guy in a Trump world, but once reality settles in, it will...