Tagged with saxotradergo

Daily Morning Call

From the Floor: Euro rises, oil plunges –...

245 views May 28, 2018

The weekend's big story was Italy's descent into political chaos after the country's president...


Macro Monday week 22: 17 days to the Fed Hike...

188 views May 28, 2018

In this webcast, Saxo's global macro strategist Kay Van-Petersen examines the big issues for the...


Commodities Update webinar — #SaxoStrats

472 views May 25, 2018

Stay updated on what’s happening with oil, gold and other raw materials. Join Saxo Bank Head of...

Daily Morning Call

From the Floor: Dovish Fed, lower yields spark...

327 views May 24, 2018

Is the Goldilocks trade back on? While longer-term global growth and macro trends argue...


Bonds update webinar: Weakness in the EM...

170 views May 23, 2018

Join Saxo Bank global sales trader Althea Spinozzi as she discusses topics in the fixed income...

Daily Morning Call

From the Floor: Energy shares rise on crude oil...

449 views May 18, 2018

The big news seen overnight was the energy sector creeping higher as shares broke through January...

Daily Morning Call

From the Floor: Euro tanks as Italian leaders...

307 views May 17, 2018

The euro is lower and Italian bond yields are up over 45 basis points from last week's levels as...

Daily Morning Call

From the Floor: US benchmark yield blast still...

278 views May 16, 2018

Financial markets are continuing in the path they've taken the past few days with US yields and...


Technical analysis – A view of the market: Larsson

317 views May 15, 2018

Topics covered in this webinar by Saxo Bank technical analyst Kim Cramer Larsson include the SP...


Equities Update webinar: Are Equities burning...

473 views May 15, 2018

Saxo Bank's head of equity strategy Peter Garnry discusses the state of play in equity markets...

Daily Morning Call

From the Floor: 'US 10-year yield is absolutely...

360 views May 15, 2018

The US dollar has pounded higher again on the back of Trump's apparent climb-down on China trade...