Tagged with sterling


For how long will sterling be the star performer?

183 views April 22, 2014

There's more anticipation of an earlier than expected rise in UK interest rates and the pound is...


Collins: Highlighting profits for GBPUSD

132 views April 16, 2014

Concern over the Ukrainian crisis may be cooling the market’s bullish sentiment, but Alan...


Inflation's down, wages are up so what's the...

569 views April 15, 2014

British inflation's at a four year low and it's expected that for the first time since 2010,...


What's wrong with a consumer driven recovery ?

210 views April 01, 2014

The big criticism of the UK recovery is that it's mainly consumer and credit driven. Well there's...


The CBI on sterling's strength

272 views March 25, 2014

Sterling rose against the dollar as news broke that UK inflation hit a four-year low in February,...


Retailers should move to the Next level

202 views March 20, 2014

High street fashion retailer Next has just posted an 11 percent rise in annual profit and over...


Top UK economists: What we'd tell the Chancellor

172 views March 19, 2014

As UK Chancellor George Osborne gears up to give details of this year's budget, three top UK...


Lambert: Selling EURGBP on sterling strength

170 views February 28, 2014

UK based trader Clive Lambert says that as it’s month end, we could see some “shenanigans” in...


Trader Talk

274 views February 21, 2014

Update from the saxo trading floor on Gold, Sterling and USDJPY at 1400 on Friday the 21st of...


Beecroft: What next for sterling and the Bank...

348 views February 18, 2014

There was good news for British consumers on Tuesday as the UK inflation rate dropped below the...


Traders Talk on Gold, USDJPY and Sterling  

363 views February 17, 2014

The US markets quiet today for President's Day but Saxo Bank traders are busy with moves in Gold...


Veksler: Ignore this risk on/ risk off nonsense

254 views February 13, 2014

When it comes to trading forex, it's common to hear the term risk on/ risk off. But Ken Veksler,...