Tagged with usda


Coleman: USDCAD - four reasons to stall

151 views September 02, 2014

Ian Coleman is watching USDCAD after a week when traders have seen aggressive selling around the...


What to watch for in Jackson Hole

221 views August 22, 2014

Neil Staines from the ECU Group is one the leading analysts who's listening intently for any...


Coleman: Markets will hang on every word from...

208 views August 22, 2014

As central bankers meet in Jackson Hole, Ian Coleman analyses how comments from Janet Yellen...


Traders Talk: Pre NFP market update

174 views August 01, 2014

The latest from Saxo Bank FX traders on market conditions ahead of the Non Farm Payroll figures...


Hardy: The FX week ahead

257 views July 21, 2014

This week FX traders weigh currency fundamentals and technicals amid fresh uncertainty...


The UK versus the US, who’s really winning?

243 views May 30, 2014

The US versus the UK, sounds like some sort of fantasy World Cup fixture, in the economic league...


How to trade the US agriculture report

368 views November 06, 2013

Ahead of the USDA report on Friday, Saxo Bank's Head of Commodity Strategy, Ole Hansen, says a...