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Stocks on both sides of the Atlantic fell this Wednesday, largely on concerns about Ukraine and Russia with reports of thousands of Russian troops massing on the Ukrainian border. It’s a concern for Michael Jarman, Strategist at H20 Markets in London. He says the markets are “tired" and they need "a bit of a pullback”. Investors, he adds, need to be cautious.
02:38 minutes
Tags: atlantic, autos, bmw, bmw results, business, cars, dax, dji, equities, equity, equity strategy, finance, ftse, ftse100, geo political, german, h20, h20 markets, h2o, jarman, key levels, london, london stocks, michael, nato, new york, news, owen thomas, politics, putin, risk, russia, russian, russian economy, s&p 500, s&p, saxo, saxo bank, saxo tv, saxobank, sell off, shares, sp500, stock picking, stock picks, stocks, stocks and shares, trades, trading,, troops, tv, ukraine, ukraine crisis, video, vladimir putin, war