Hardy: Greek games pose danger to EUR (02:27)
Greece is playing a dangerous game with its creditors and it is...
Jakobsen: Don't be afraid of the Russian bear (02:44)
After days of silence, Russian President Vladimir Putin finally...
Kazakova: What will Russia do next? (03:14)
As the Ruble saw its biggest drop since 1998, Russian analyst Nadia...
Jakobsen: Ignore the ruble's fall at your peril (03:22)
There's a clear analogy to what's happening now in Russia and what...
Can the Dax hold its gains after Putin's... (02:05)
The Dax is unlikely to hold on to all's its intraday gains...
Russia, Ukraine and what next for the markets (03:13)
The markets are desperately trying to figure out what's going to...
Russia, Ukraine and how I'm playing the 'tired'... (02:38)
Stocks on both sides of the Atlantic fell this Wednesday, largely...