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Knuthsen: Europe has the potential to surprise in 2015

As part of his 2015 strategy, Saxo Private Bank's Chief Investment Officer, Teis Knuthsen, is bullish on equities. He thinks there's positive momentum coming from an upswing in the short-term business cycle. 

Knuthsen likes the US market because of the strong economy and dollar. But he says it's Europe that has the "potential to surprise" this year with European equities rising by as much as 25%.

Oil on the other hand will fall further - by as much as 50%. Although this is difficult for those involved in the industry, Teis says it's good for the global economy. It will also mean that inflation will drop again and central banks will be forced to add another layer of monetary stimulus.

02:30 minutes
Tags: america, american equities, bonds, bonds and equties, bonds market, bonds update, bonds v equities, bonds v stocks, brent, brent crude, brent wti, brent wti spread, corporate, corporate bonds, crude, crude oil, crude oil prices, crude price, crudeoil, economic growth, economy, energy, energy companies, energy industry, energy market, energy prices, energy sector, energysector, equities, equities strength, equities trading, equity index, equity market, equity markets, equity portfolio, equity portfolios, equity rise, equity strategy, equity trading, equity us, eu, eur, euro, euro area, europe, european, european central bank, european economy, european equities, european union, eurozone, eurozone economy, eurozone recovery, global economy, government bond markets, government bonds, monetary, monetary policies, monetary policy, monetary stimulus, oil, oil and gas, oil industry, oil market, oil price, oil price fall, oil prices, oil production, oil supplies, oil supply, oil trading, qe, quantitative easing, saxo, saxo bank, saxo private bank, saxo tv, stimulus, trading,, united states, us, us dollar, us dollar index, us economy, usd, wti, wti and oil, wti brent, wti crude, wti crude oil, wti price, wti supply

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