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Will the ECB do for Europe what the Fed did for US?

Will the ECB’s QE programme do for Europe, what similar programmes from the Federal Reserve did for the United States? Bob Johnson, Director of Economic Analysis at Morningstar Research, is not convinced and here are his reasons why.

Bob Johnson outlines a number of differences between the Eurozone and the United States, which may limit the effects of the ECB’s QE programme. He also looks at what impact it will have on the US economy once the ECB launches its trillion euro bond-buying scheme. 

02:43 minutes
Tags: bond, bond buying, bond market, bond yields, bonds, bonds market, ecb, ecb policy, ecb qe, equities, equities trading, equity, equity market, equity markets, equity strategy, equity trading, eur, euro, euro area, euro dollar, euro zone, eurodollar, europa, europe, european, european central bank, european central banks, european economy, european union, eurozone, eurusd, fixed income, fixed income bonds, saxo, saxo bank, saxo bank group, saxo bank saxo tv, saxo bank trading, saxo bank trading floor, saxo bank, saxo tv, saxo tv saxo bank, saxo tv trading floor, saxo tv tradingfloor, saxo tv, saxobank, saxotv, sovereign, sovereign bond, sovereign bonds, trading, tradingfloor, tradingfloor saxo bank, tradingfloor saxo tv,, saxo tv, tradingfloorcom, united states, united states of america, us, us economy, us equities, us equity market, us equtieis, usd

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