Portfolio management this quarter: Van-Petersen (01:40)
Kay Van-Petersen, Saxo Bank's Asia macro strategist, expands his...
Fasdal: CEE bonds looking attractive after ECB... (01:43)
Saxo Bank’s Simon Fasdal believes the European Central Bank’s...
Knuthsen: Investment alternatives to Gold and... (02:02)
Oversupply and overvalued. That’s what’s wrong with oil and gold...
Boye: Beware of Greek risks ahead (01:54)
Markets have celebrated news of a third bailout for Greece. But...
Boye: No mayhem in bond markets over Greece – yet! (02:07)
It’s been a very dramatic morning for European fixed income after...
Jakobsen: Why stocks will fall and EUR rise -... (04:42)
Before hitting the beach for a summer break, it might be worthwhile...
Fasdal: Risky Russia and Brazilian bonds -... (02:10)
The ECB’s QE programme is driving bond yields down to
all-time lows...
Vicky Pryce: 50/50 chance of euro surviving... (03:18)
Greece has been granted some temporary relief from its creditors as...
When is it time to panic over Greece? (02:30)
Markets have reacted calmly to a breakdown in talks between
Will the ECB do for Europe what the Fed did for... (02:43)
Will the ECB’s QE programme do for Europe, what similar programmes...
Hardy: Mario wins over markets with trillion... (01:56)
The euro fell against the dollar and other major currencies after...
Garnry: Euro stocks poised to party (02:17)
Investors have been buying up shares in European companies in...