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Saxo's Teis Knuthsen has been bullish on European equities since late last year. Despite the Greek crisis, he remains fundamentally positive, pointing to a recovering economy across Europe, earnings growth and an accommodating monetary policy. He says that combined with a weak Euro and declining oil prices, this all helps to boost equities. Greece, though, does need to be resolved quickly, he stresses.
03:15 minutes
Tags: bank, banking, banking industry, banking sector, banking system, banks, debt, debt level, default, ecb, ecb decision, ecb policy, equities, equities prices, equities saxo, equities trading, equity, equity bubble, equity index, equity market, equity markets, equity platform, equity portfolio, equity portfolios, equity research, equity rise, equity strategy, equity trading, eur, euro, euro area, euro dollar, euro rates, euro strength, euro zone, eurocrisis, eurodebt, eurodollar, europe, europe growth, european, european banks, european central bank, european central banks, european commission, european economy, european growth, european monetary policy, european recovery, european union, eurozone, eurozone crisis, eurozone economy, eurozone recession, eurozone recovery, eurusd, greece, greece bailout, greece collateral, greece crisis, greece debt, greece debt crisis, greece dollar, greece europe, greece european union, greece exit, greece germany, greece money, greek, greek bailout, greek banks, greek bonds, greek collapse, greek crisis, greek debt, greek debt ecb, greek debt talks, greek economy, greek election, greek finance minister, greek finances, greek negotiations, greek prime minister, greek talks, greekdebt, greexit, grexit, imf, international monetary fund, merkel, referendum, troika