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Fasdal: Brazil on the brink so beware (03:06)

The Brazilian real is at its weakest point against the US dollar....

Knuthsen: Why I'm still bullish on European... (03:15)

Saxo's Teis Knuthsen has been bullish on European equities since...

Vicky Pryce: 50/50 chance of euro surviving... (03:18)

Greece has been granted some temporary relief from its creditors as...

Is Bank of America undervalued? (01:36)

Two steps forward, one step back. That’s the analysis from senior...

Loong: China's targeted approach is not working (03:24)

The latest flash PMI from China suggests manufacturing picked up...

Could China's house of cards collapse? (03:04)

China has seen house prices fall for three months in a row, bank...

Jakobsen: Argentina's beef with 'vultures'... (03:45)

Argentina has blinked first during a bad tempered stand-off with so...

To QE or not to QE? (02:30)

The market has been largely unresponsive to the ECB’s threat of...

Trade idea: Short gold on US tensions (00:49)

Clive Lambert from FuturesTechs is looking to short gold; the...

Slovenia, Portugal and Spain "have a long way... (01:42)

Things may be looking up for the eurozone; the bloc is out of its...
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