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Fasdal: What's next for the bond market

High yield and emerging market bonds were hit badly on Monday following the equity rout brought on by China. But unlike previous years, core bonds such as German bunds, barely moved. Saxo's Simon Fasdal explains that markets would expect to see some panic buying in higher rated longer bonds and that didn't happen.

Simon says one explanation is that big funds are losing the hedging ability of these core bonds. This forces them to sell equities immediately.

He expects more volatility in the next few days but he also believes that the large funds have sold what they had to and so could start buying again. This would help stabilise high yield and emerging market bonds in the coming days, Simon says. But he expects investors to be cautious for now.

02:05 minutes
Tags: bond, bond buy, bond buying, bond investing, bond investment, bond investments, bond investors, bond market, bond markets, bond portfolio, bond portfolios, bond purchase, bond purchases, bond strategy, bond yield, bond yield rate, bond yields, bond-buying programme, bondbuying, bonds, bonds 2015, bonds and equties, bonds hedge, bonds hedging, bonds market, bonds to equities, bonds update, bonds v equities, bonds v stocks, bund, bund future, bund futures, bund market, bund record, bund yields, bundesbank, bunds, core bonds, core europe, emerging market, emerging market bond market, emerging market bonds, emerging market economies, emerging markets, emerging markets bond markets, emergingmarkets, equities, equities prices, equities saxo, equities trading, equity, equity index, equity market, equity markets, equity portfolio, equity portfolios, equity research, equity rise, equity risk premium, equity strategy, equity trading, fixed, fixed income, fixed income bonds, fixed income portfolio, fixed income saxo bank, fixed income trader, fixed income trading, fixed income v equities, fixed spreads, fixed yields, hedge, hedge fund, hedge funds, hedgefunds, hedging, leverage, pension, pension fund, saxo, saxo bank, saxo tv, saxotv, trading, tradingfloor,, volatile, volatile market, volatility

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