Saxo Group Videos

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Fasdal: Bonds and equities hit by ECB (00:54)

Saxo's Head of Fixed Income, Simon Fasdal, admits the European...

Simon Fasdal: Why emerging market fear could... (02:54)

Will the fourth quarter of 2015 see investors returning to emerging...

Fasdal: Don't write off emerging markets (02:11)

Over the last year investors have been getting out of emerging...

Fasdal: Brazil on the brink so beware (03:06)

The Brazilian real is at its weakest point against the US dollar....

Fed Reaction: Bonds to perform more strongly (01:09)

Bonds are performing fairly strongly this Friday after the US...

Traders Clinic: Top tips for new traders (05:20)

In this week's Traders Clinic, Gerald Ashley, an expert in risk,...

Fasdal on ECB: This is what the market needed... (01:30)

Earlier this Thursday, Saxo's Simon Fasdal said the European...

We may be heading for another financial crisis... (03:42)

On Monday the world witnessed billions of dollars being wiped off...

Fasdal: What's next for the bond market (02:05)

High yield and emerging market bonds were hit badly on Monday...

Fasdal: Currency crisis offers opportunities... (03:28)

Currencies in emerging markets have been weakening, prompting fears...

Knuthsen: Investment alternatives to Gold and... (02:02)

Oversupply and overvalued. That’s what’s wrong with oil and gold...

Boye: No mayhem in bond markets over Greece – yet! (02:07)

It’s been a very dramatic morning for European fixed income after...
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