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Why commodity trading is the comeback kid

Hedge funds continue to rush into commodities according to the Commitment of Traders report covering the week of February 18. The bullish bets on 24 US traded commodities jumped by 15 percent to 1,659,000 contracts of futures and options. This the seventh weekly increase in a row has driven the exposure to the highest since April 2011 and an unprecedented 23 out of 24 commodities tracked in this were bought. 

Speculative positioning in commodities
Source: CFTC, Bloomberg and Saxo Bank

  • Gold net-long jumped by 31 percent following the recent break above USD 1,300/ounce. 
  • WTI crude oil net-long rose and is now just 2,237 contracts below the record from last July.
  • Soybeans traders added another 10 percent resulting in the net-long reaching the highest since September 2012.
  • Arabica coffee longs jumped to the highest since October 2011 as the price began to take off in response to the drought in Brazil.

Many other interesting changes during a week which again signaled the potential return of commodities as an investment class worth taking a closer look at. However a word of warning; many of the these current bullish moves are driven by the adverse weather in the US and Brazil. There's the imminent danger of a correction once that situation stabilises.

01:43 minutes
Tags: arabica, arabica coffee, arabica prices, brent crude, coffee, coffee price, coffee rises, commodites, commodities, commodities gold, commodities markets, commodities supply, commoditiy, commodity, commodity currencies, commodity gold, commodity index, commodity investing, commodity investments, commodity market, commodity markets, commodity outlook, commodity prices, commodity strategy, commodity trade, commodity trading, copper, copper falls, copper futures, cot report, cotton, cotton price, cotton prices, crude, crude oil, crude oil prices, crude price, crude spread, futures trading, gold, gold buy, gold commodity, gold demand, gold dollar, gold exchange, gold investment, gold price, gold spot, gold trade, hedge, hedge fund cot report, hedge funds, long gold, long positions, oil and gas, oil industry, oil market, oil market', oil price, oil prices, oil production, oil supplies, oil supply, oil trading, palladium, platinum, saxo bank, short, short position, short term trade, silver price, silver price rise, silver rally, silver trading, soyabeans, sugar, sugar demand, sugar export, sugar market, sugar price, sugar prices, sugar supply, sugar surplus, trading, trading floor, trading platform, trading risks, tradingfloor saxo bank,, wheat, wheat bushels, wheat prices, wheat production, wti crude

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