Saxo Group Videos

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Why commodity trading is the comeback kid (01:43)

Hedge funds continue to rush into commodities according to the...

Silver dips and cotton slips (01:43)

After silver rallied by more than a quarter in just over a week,...

Commodities continue to struggle hurt by... (09:30)

Commodities across the board were generally lower in the week hurt...

Weekly Commodity Update Video: Gains across the... (06:14)

Gains in commodities were seen across the board in the last week...

Weekly Commodity Video: Half-year review -... (08:12)

Nearing the end of June Ole Hansen reviews the performance of...

Video: Weekly Commodity Update: Agrciulture -... (10:05)

Focus on much awaited report on U.S. farmers' planting intentions...

Video: Weekly Commodity Update: The five "Cs"... (06:37)

Cotton, cocoa, coffee, corn and crude were the leaders of a pack...

Video: Weekly Commodity Update: Political... (08:19)

Strong performance from commodity prices this week on the back of...

Video: Commodity Update: Euro's woes and Korean... (08:15)

Commodities this week are impacted by more global events, in...

Video: Weekly Commodity Update: A mixed week,... (08:59)

The CRB showed a slight gain driven by the agricultural sector, and...
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