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Trading will look like this in the future

What will trading look like in the future? Six eminent financial experts give their views as to how we'll be making trades in the years to come. All are agreed, social media coupled with technological advances will define the industry. But what could go wrong, and what about trading as entertainment? 

Speakers include Mark Littlewood,from the Institute of Economic Affairs, Rebecca Healey from the Tabb Group, Allister Heath, the Editor of City AM, David Birch from Consult Hyperion, FT Alphaville's Izabella Kaminska and Sean Park from Anthemis Group. They were speaking at's Trading Debates event in London.

02:40 minutes
Tags: allister heath, alphaville, anthemis, city am, consult, david birch, debate, economics, entertainment, experts, facebook, finance, financial, forex, ft, ft alphaville, future, fx, group, healey, hyperion, look like, macro, mark littlewood, news, park, saxo, saxo bank, saxo trading floor, saxo tv, sean, social media, social media stocks, tabb, tabb group, tech, technology, trade, traders, trades, trading, trading debates, trading floor, tradingfloor,, twitter, video

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