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New Year gift to the global economy from China? (02:48)

With the world's second largest economy about to take the largest...

Czech mate for CZK? Euro floor will stay says... (01:20)

The Czech Central Bank has confirmed it’s had to intervene to...

Why bad news from China could be good news for... (02:24)

The latest flash manufacturing PMI from China only underlined the...

Greece to go? Steen Jakobsen, Mads Koefoed and... (07:45)

Greece and the ECB are like a married couple on the verge of...

The pound rises as UK unemployment hits a five... (01:44)

The number of people out of work in the UK has hit a five year low...

Inflation's down, wages are up so what's the... (01:17)

British inflation's at a four year low and it's expected that for...
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