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Greece to go? Steen Jakobsen, Mads Koefoed and Ken Veksler discuss

Greece and the ECB are like a married couple on the verge of divorce but staying together because neither can afford to leave the marital home. The Greek finance minister has ended a European 'tour' by appealing to Germany to end "the gross indignity" of the Greek economic crash. A meeting between Mr Yaroufakis and his German counterpart Wolfgang Schaeuble wasn't the friendliest and no agreement was reached to end the crisis.

The ECB has withdrawn the waiver allowing Greece to use debt as collateral, severely limiting the ability of the Greek government to raise funds. The deadlock now raises questions about the future of Greece as a member of the Eurozone and the single currency itself.

Steen Jakobsen, Chief Economist at Saxo Bank, Mads Koefoed, Saxo Bank's Head of Macro Strategy and Ken Veksler, Director at Acumen Management give us their thoughts and predictions during a special debate about the Greek crisis.      

07:45 minutes
Tags: central, central bank, central bank decision, central bank meetings, central bank policy, central banks, central markets, centralbanks, centre for policy studies, commodities, ec, ecb, ecb action, ecb euro, ecb meeting, ecb news, ecb policy, ecb rate, ecb rate cut, ecb rate decision, ecb rates, ecec, economic, economic growth, economics, economy, economye, equities, equity, equity strategy', eur, eur usd, eurgbp, eurjpy, euro, euro area, euro crisis, euro dollar, euro growth, euro rates, euro strength, euro yen, euro zone, eurocrisis, eurodebt, eurodollar, europa, europe, europe gdp, europe growth, europe recession, european, european banks, european central bank, european commission, european economy, european recovery, european union, eurozona, eurozone, eurozone crisis, eurozone economy, eurozone euro, eurozone inflation, eurozone recession, eurozone recovery, eurusd, eurusd bearish, german, german economic data, german economy, german elections, german gdp, german manufacturing, germany, gre, great britain, gree, greece, greece bailout, greece collateral, greece crisis, greece debt crisis, greee, greek, greek bailout, greek crisis, greek debt, greek economy, greek election, greek finance minister, greekdebt, green energy, greenback, greexit, grexit, ken veksler, macro, macro economics, macro economy, macro policy, macro strategy, macroeconomics, mads koefoed, saxo tv, steen jakobsen,

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