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Are you prepared for a 'fierce' drop in GBPUSD? (02:03)

Sterling's fall from grace this week has been dramatic. Some...

Greece to go? Steen Jakobsen, Mads Koefoed and... (07:45)

Greece and the ECB are like a married couple on the verge of...

Jakobsen on Scotland: This is just the start (02:38)

The closeness of the Scottish referendum this week is just the...

The CBI on Carney: Much of the criticism is unfair (02:06)

As Mark Carney celebrates a year as the Governor of the Bank of...

How Carney's changed my equity strategy (01:46)

By Owen Thomas Michael Jarman, Equity Strategist for H20 Markets in...

Beecroft: The missing piece of Britain's recovery (01:48)

Nick Beecroft, the Chairman of Saxo Capital Markets, isn't too...

Carney speech ”good for Sterling” (01:13)

In his first public speech as Bank of England Governor, Mark Carney...
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