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Loong: China's targeted approach is not working (03:24)

The latest flash PMI from China suggests manufacturing picked up...

Could China's house of cards collapse? (03:04)

China has seen house prices fall for three months in a row, bank...

Knuthsen: Why the US recovery bashers are wrong (03:07)

How optimistic should investors be about the US economy? Recent...

Jakobsen: Argentina's beef with 'vultures'... (03:45)

Argentina has blinked first during a bad tempered stand-off with so...

Markets wait for Bernanke (01:55)

It's all about the central banks. Investors play the waiting game...

US jobs delay could impact fed policy (01:40)

The September US jobs figures will be released on October 22. It...

Trade idea: Long crude oil on Chinese data (00:52)

Anton Hughes from is looking to long crude oil following...

How to trade the US debt deal (01:59)

A US debt agreement was struck at the eleventh hour, ending a 16...

Hardy: What now for the US dollar? (01:41)

What next for the US dollar now that politicians in Washington have...

Trade idea: Buy DAX as US "issues"drive prices... (01:20)

Steve O'Hare from First 4 Trading is looking to buy the DAX Index....

How long will euro's strength last? (01:43)

The euro recently hit an eight month high against the dollar, but...

Saxo boss: US debt debate "complete nonsense" (01:55)

October the 17th is the deadline for an agreement on raising the US...
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