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From the Floor: Could Europe surprise in 2018?... (10:08)

• GOP tax bill passes, equities 'fail to convincingly extend...

#SaxoStrats: Moving towards US Homebuilders (01:47)

Saxo's Peter Garnry is looking to buy US Homebuilders as a bet on...

Garnry: Home Depot and Lowe's build on... (02:22)

Momentum in the US housing market continues to build, helping...

Berger: Home Depot building up for a break (01:22)

Serge Berger, known as The Steady Trader, is looking at the stock...

Koefoed: 3 reasons why the Fed will delay a... (02:48)

While a majority of analysts now believe the Federal Reserve will...

Jakobsen: Housing markets are under attack (02:11)

Saxo Bank’s Chief Economist Steen Jakobsen is bearish when it...

Home Depot building on US recovery (02:53)

Saxo Bank's Head of Equity Strategy Peter Garnry looks ahead to...

Neighbour: Bovis building up for a bounce (01:03)

With the housing market in the United Kingdom setting record...

What's moving after the US housing surprise (01:43)

US equities, notably those related to the housing market, are...

John Hardy: Global housing bubbles could... (03:05)

From Canada to the UK, New Zealand to Scandinavia, there is a large...

What you need to know about the US housing market (01:33)

House prices in the States slowed more than expected in April,...

Beecroft: BoE minutes show we are ‘getting back... (01:35)

It was always going to be hard to surprise markets more than Mark...
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