Hardy: Will calm return to stormy markets this... (02:31)
The markets continue to be in turmoil despite a very strong US jobs...
A cancer on performance: Traders warn of a... (03:56)
Illiquidity is a cancer on performance; that's the stark warning...
Jakobsen: Get used to less liquidity and wider... (02:26)
Traders are getting used to less liquidity in the markets and more...
7 years after Lehman, only now are the lean... (03:07)
We've learned nothing since the collapse of Lehman Brothers seven...
Knuthsen: Why EURUSD could hit 0.95 in a year (02:33)
Saxo Bank’s Chief Investment Officer Teis Knuthsen believes a US...
How prepared are you for the liquidity trap? (03:02)
How prepared are you for a trading liquidity crisis? We all need to...
Veksler on FX: When walking away makes sense (02:19)
If you're a medium to long-term FX trader, you would be forgiven...
Jakobsen on the most 'volatile cocktail' in Russia (02:40)
The huge fall in the ruble this Tuesday is a crisis for Russia with...
The longer-term USD liquidity risk (03:27)
The dollar charge of recent weeks has been halted this Tuesday, not...
An end to QE and what else from the Fed? (02:06)
The FOMC is expected to announce an end to its QE programme when it...
Hardy: Why it's make your mind up time for USD (02:54)
What's it going to take for the US dollar to break the relatively...
Knuthsen: Why the US recovery bashers are wrong (03:07)
How optimistic should investors be about the US economy? Recent...