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An end to QE and what else from the Fed?

The FOMC is expected to announce an end to its QE programme when it releases a statement later on Wednesday. The Chairman of Saxo Capital Markets, Nick Beecroft, is also anticipating the Fed to reiterate its commitment to keeping interest rates low for a 'considerable time'.

He explains how all this could affect the markets and also what to watch for if the Fed's statement appears to be more 'hawkish'. 

02:06 minutes
Tags: 500, abs, asset backed securities, asset purchases, bank of england, bank of japan, beecroft, boe, boj, bullard, china, considerable time, dollar, dovish, draghi, ecb, economy, end qe, equities, euro, euro crisis, eurozone, federal open market committee, fomc, forex, hawkish, imf, interest rate, interest rates, janet, liquidity, macro, markets, nick, qe, qe end, qe tapering, quantitative easing, rates, reaction, s&p, saint luis, sandp, saxo tv, snb, st louis, statement, tapering, trading,, united states, us, us dollar, us economic growth, us economy, us rates, usa, usd, what else fed, yellen, yellen put

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