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#SaxoStrats: Moving towards US Homebuilders (01:47)

Saxo's Peter Garnry is looking to buy US Homebuilders as a bet on...

Koefoed: Dovish FOMC, China and Greece shift US... (03:24)

The market was expecting the US Federal Reserve to hike rates in...

Coleman: 4th wave correction in AUDUSD (01:22)

Disappointing retail sales and trade data out of Australia...

Lambert: Why I’m shorting GBPUSD (00:34)

Clive Lambert from FutruesTechs sees the dollar’s current...

Berger: Is a sell-off brewing at Starbucks? (01:06)

Predicting a turbulent trading environment in 2015, Serge...

Lucas: A tale of two dollars (01:24)

With strong divergence between the United States and Australia...

Collins: Chasing the falling pound (00:54)

After five consecutive months of downward momentum, Alan...

Collins: A negative outlook for EURUSD (01:00)

With the underlying tone in EURUSD remaining negative, Alan...

Serge: Digging for profits from Caterpillar (01:05)

Returns are limited in the manufacturing industry forcing investors...

An end to QE and what else from the Fed? (02:06)

The FOMC is expected to announce an end to its QE programme when it...
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