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Koefoed: More downside for EURUSD ahead of ECB... (03:12)

Will Mario Draghi reassure investors at Wednesday's ECB meeting as...

#SaxoStrats - Buying Deutsche Borse Group (01:01)

In his latest #SaxoStrats video Head of Equity Strategy Peter...

Time to short the record breaking Dax? Not yet... (02:04)

The Dax smashed through the 12000 level this week as export...

Fasdal: As QE begins look out for the risk factors (02:52)

The ECB begins its monthly 60 billion Euro QE programme this...

Hardy: QE questions yet to be answered (03:39)

Many traders are keeping their heads down ahead of a widely trailed...

Lambert: A traders's guide to QE (03:42)

QE day has dawned and the ECB's 'big bazooka' is due to be fired...

What's really terrifying the Fed? (01:50)

Investors can get ready to say goodbye to QE. When the FOMC...

FOMC Preview: Why markets could be left... (01:45)

The two-day Federal Open Market Committee meeting ends Wednesday -...

Hardy: How to trade EURUSD ahead of QE (02:40)

We'll get the latest Eurozone inflation data this week and it's...

Trade idea: Sell Nasdaq on taper talks (01:06)

Clive Lambert from FuturesTechs is looking to sell the NASDAQ....
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