Tagged with risk reward


What gold and oil tell us about current market...

1,079 views November 16, 2015

After initial falls in global markets following the Paris attacks, trading has returned to...


Traders Clinic: Top tips for new traders

512 views September 08, 2015

In this week's Traders Clinic, Gerald Ashley, an expert in risk, discusses the theory, practice...


Hardy: How to play the return of risk appetite

497 views September 09, 2015

There has been a return of risk appetite but Saxo's John Hardy says it's not significant enough...


We may be heading for another financial crisis...

1,012 views August 27, 2015

On Monday the world witnessed billions of dollars being wiped off global markets as everything...


With Amazon surging, Serge keeps his cool

510 views July 24, 2015

Amazon and Google are just two companies that have seen their stock surge after surprising the...


Traders Clinic - The fear of failure

391 views April 17, 2015

Gerald Ashley, risk and decision making expert, is back with his second edition of Traders...


Market watch: Could the Ebola threat trigger...

240 views October 10, 2014

This week, global stock markets tumbled as data revealed German exports in August had plunged by...


Are high returns from marijuana companies just...

532 views August 01, 2014

This week the New York Times, in an editorial, urged US lawmakers to legalise marijuana. Some...


Gerald Ashley on trading and the illusion of...

314 views July 16, 2014

As a trader, you’re faced with two opposing forces: The inherent uncertainty and instability of...


Berger: Trading the Russell 2000: the earnings...

193 views July 14, 2014

Serge Berger, from thesteadytrader.com, is looking at the Russell 2000. A small cap index which...


Jakobsen: Risk, reward and Russian roulette

598 views May 20, 2014

Fancy a game of Russian roulette? Against a background of risk and revolution in Ukraine, the...


Gas flares, gold falls and rare moves in the...

283 views January 31, 2014

Commodities moved lower during the course of the week as the diverging outlook between EM and DM...