
Market watch: Could the Ebola threat trigger 'stockageddon'

This week, global stock markets tumbled as data revealed German exports in August had plunged by their largest amount since the height of the financial crisis. This fuelled a debate on whether Berlin is doing enough to prop up Europe's economy, and its own for that matter.

What's more, there is growing "confusion" about what central banks "might or might not do", according to Market Strategist Bill Blain.

However, Bill thinks that despite those two factors, investors needn't worry about a so-called "stockageddon" - the idea that we are going to see a big crash in the stock markets - as US growth is still keeping momentum going.

Going into next week, he thinks investors should be aware of the impact Ebola could have on the global economy; as people, perhaps irrationally, become reluctant to travel or go to work if they feel unwell. 

Bearing all of the above in mind, Bill explains how he plans to position himself going into next week.