
Why this USD rally has another 20% to go

The US dollar still has a long way to climb, up to twenty percent in the the next three to four years, that's according to Teis Knuthsen, Chief Investment Officer for Saxo Private Bank who says; "The dollar rally is still in the first part of a multi-year increase, the third major rally since the US abandoned the gold standard in 1971. It seems likely that the USD will rise another 20% or so against a basket of other currencies over the next 3-4 years. Against the euro, we should be able to move to parity or below.".

Bold claims, and in this video Teis outlines the evidence he's gathered to back his predictions."The main driver is a mix of dollar undervalution and a turn in US monetary policies. As the Fed moves to end QE3 and begin to prepare a 2015 rate hike the dollar is likely to rise further.The dollar rally is unlikely to be a straight line, and a correction may seem appropriate at the current stage, but the trend is likely to be up for several years. "