
#SaxoStrats - Why I'm shorting EURSEK

April 17, 2015 200 day moving average, currencies, currency, currency chart, currency cross, currency market, currency markets, currency pair, currency pairs, currency rates, currency strategy, currency trade, currency trading, currency trends, currency war, currencywar, eur, euro, euro growth, euro strength, euro strong, europe, european central bank, eurozone, eursek, foreign exchange, forex, forex 2015, forex 2015 outlook, forex buying, forex exchange, forex idea, forex market, forex market overview, forex markets, forex saxo bank, forex trade idea, forex trading, forex trading 2015, forextrading, fx, fx award, fx crosses, fx eursek, fx forex, fx interbank markets, fx investing, fx market, fx markets, fx options, fx saxo bank, fx spot, fx strategy, fx trade, fx trade idea, fx traders, fx trades, fx trading, fx trend, fx trends, fx volatility, fxmarkets, john hardy, john hardy forex, john hardy saxo bank, john j hardy, saxo, saxo bank, saxo bank forex, saxo bank group, saxo bank saxo tv, saxo bank trading, saxo bank trading floor, saxo bank, saxo bank tv, saxo hardy, saxo traders, saxo trading, saxo tv, saxo tv saxo bank, saxo tv trades, saxo tv trading, saxo tv trading floor, saxo tv tradingfloor, saxo tv, saxobank, saxotrader, saxotv, sek, strong euro, sweden, sweden cuts rates, sweden rates, swedish, swedish currency, swedish debt, swedish economy, swedish krona, swedish kronar, swedish krone, swedish kroner, swedish riksbank, trade, trade eursek, trade idea, trade ideas, trade view, trader, trader idea, traders, traders tale, traders tale saxo tv, trades, trading, trading currencies, trading floor, trading floor saxo tv, trading fx, trading idea, trading risks, trading strategy, trading tips, tradingfloor, tradingfloor saxo bank, tradingfloor saxo tv,, insights, saxo tv, trade ideas, tradingfloorcom, trend, trends
EURSEK is the focus of John Hardy's #SaxoStrats this Friday. Saxo's Head of FX Strategy says the pair has wilted through important local range support and the 200-day moving average and he's looking for a continuation lower. 
The original entry is in the 9.24 - 9.25 area with a stop above 9.2900, which is slightly above the 200-day moving average. The target is the 9.10 - 9.15 area where he's selected an arbitrary 9.12 take profit.