
Coleman: Bearish trading after mixed results in Cable

November 05, 2015 GBP, bank, bank of england, bank of england governor, bank of england inflation report, banking industry, banks, bonds, fed, federal reserve, fomc, forecast, foreign exchange, foreign exchange market, foreign exchange strategy, forex, forex 2014, forex 2014 outlook, forex 2015, forex 2015 outlook, forex and more, forex aud, forex audusd, forex buying, forex eurusd, forex exchange, forex gbpusd, forex idea, forex market, forex market overview, forex markets, forex saxo bank, forex strategy, forex trade idea, forex trade ideas, forex trading, forex trading 2014, forex trading 2015, forextrading, forward guidance, fx, fx award, fx crosses, fx exchange, fx forex, fx interbank markets, fx investing, fx market, fx markets, fx marketsf, fx options, fx saxo bank, fx spot, fx strategy, fx trade, fx trade idea, fx traders, fx trades, fx trading, fx trends, fx volatility, fx volatitily, fxfx, fxmarkets, fxmonthly, fxoptions, fxspot, fxtrade, gb, gb group, gbg, gbgb, gbgbgb, gbp eur, gbp falling, gbp trading, gbp trading 2014, gbp trading 2014g, gbp trading 2015, gbp tradingg, gbp usd, gbp usdg, gbp weakening, gbpaud, gbpcad, gbpchf, gbpchf november 2008, gbpeur, gbpeur 2014, gbpeurg, gbpjpy, gbpusd, gbpusd 1.7, gbpusd 1.70, gbpusd 2008 october high, gbpusd 2014, gbpusd 2015, gbpusd five year high, gbpusd labour day, gbpusd oct 2008 high, gbpusd record high, gbpusd trade idea, rates, rates decision, us, us dollar, us dollar index, us economy, us fed, us federal reserve, us government, us growth, us jobs, us jobs data, us stocks, usa, usd, usd eur, usd index, usd jpy, usdaud, usdcad, usdcad', usdchf, usdeur, usdgbp, usdjpy, usus, xauf, xaufxff
Ian Coleman is selling GBPUSD ahead of the Bank of England interest rates announcement today after spotting a large Bearish Channel formation in the weekly chart and mixed results for the last four weeks .   
Ian sees potential for a dip lower in GBP with rates unchanged and the upside limited to bespoke resistance at 1.5558.  
Sell at market  
Targets: 1.5339 1.5310
Stop: 15400