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Beecroft: The ECB will show its hand

With the Eurozone ending its longest ever recession, what next for the European Central Bank? Nick Beecroft, Chairman of Saxo Capital Markets, says don't expect too much. Nick believes it will be necessary for the ECB finally to implement "Outright Monetary Transactions", the buying of short term sovereign bonds in the secondary market, within the next six months. He also believes that monetary policies will have to be loosened even further.
The German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, has been playing down speculation that Greece will need more financial aid. But she's fighting an election in September. Beecroft says after those elections, Merkel, should she win, will become far more vociferous in saying what Germany will do for the peripheral European countries. And he says she's got her fingers crossed that nothing will happen to Greece before Germans go to the polls. 

01:26 minutes
Tags: angela, angela merkel, bonds, ecb, ecb action, elections, europe, europe growth, europe recession, european central bank, european economy, european monetary policy, eurozone, eurozone recession, fixed income, gdp, gdp growth, gdp growth europe, german, german elections, german polls, germany, germany fingers crossed, germany polls, greece, growth in europe, ireland, monetary poicy, news, omt, outright monetary transactions, periphery, recession, saxo, saxo bank, saxo tv, saxotv, secondary market, september, short term bonds, sovereign bond, sovereign bonds, sovereign debt crisis, stand by, stand by for action,, video

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