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Earnings Season: Why GE's struggles ain't over yet (02:44)

Expectations are low ahead of the quarterly report from US...

Berger: Disney (01:24)

Serge Berger is looking at a near-term trade in Disney. Although...

The Sony saga, Amazon’s adventures and the... (03:26)

Sony announced on Thursday it’s reduced its loss forecast for the...

The real magic behind Disney's share price rise (01:52)

Disney's share price has risen eight percent over the past three...

What Facebook's doing will change your view of... (02:04)

There's a reason why Facebook is the top US equity pick of Saxo's...

The anti-social media market trend (01:19)

Why do the markets seem to be so anti social media? Many investors...

OMG - What's Twitter going to do next? (01:37)

Twitter's share price plunged after its first quarter earnings...

What BT's Champions Lge win means for BSKYB (01:49)

BSKYB shares fell 10 percent after BT won the rights to broadcast...

Don’t let Facebook “chaos” put you off Twitter IPO (01:58)

Twitter goes public Wednesday, in this years most anticipated...

Profiting from China’s “Smart TV boom” (01:50)

The smart TV industry in China is booming. As a result,...

Will spinning off SFR make Vivendi a better... (01:34)

Vivendi took another step toward spinning off its...
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