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Berger: S&P will bounce back (01:34)

Serge Berger, also known as The Steady Trader, is looking to buy...

What's moving after the US housing surprise (01:43)

US equities, notably those related to the housing market, are...

Berger: Jumping on the S&P 500's 'oversold bounce' (01:30)

"I'm looking for an over-sold bounce in the S 500 Index"; so says...

What will the week bring? (01:23)

As the trading week comes to an end, London based trader Michael...

Knuthsen on equities: We can’t go on like this! (02:08)

With record stock market highs, persistently low interest rates,...

Garnry on equities: "It feels like a bubble" (01:27)

"It's the first time in three years I've had the feeling it's a...

Garnry on equities: "It feels like a bubble" (02:02)

"It's the first time in three years I've had the feeling it's a...

Come join the S&P Party! (01:31)

The SP 500 could easily rise 50% over the next five years. That's...

If you're bearish on equities, think again (01:22)

The S and P is up some 26% since November. If you're one of those...

3 tech stocks you must watch this week (01:39)

It's the second week of earnings' season and tech is going to be...
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